Present Ph.D. Students
57. Seyedsina Nabavirazavi
Research Topic: TBA
Research Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: TBD.
56. Yashas Hariprasad [Spring 2025]
Research Topic: “Enhancing Visual Media Security: Advanced Artificial Intelligence Powered Deepfake Detection and Quantum Encryption for Cutting-Edge Cybersecurity
Research Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: TBD.
Past Ph.D. Students
55. Sanjeev Kaushik Ramani [Spring 2021]
Research Topic: “Securing the Internet of Things Communication Using Named Data Networking Approaches”
Research Co-Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Intel Inc.
54. Thejas Gubbi Sadashiva [Fall 2019]
Research Topic: “Click Fraud Detection in Online and In-app Advertisements: A Learning Based Approach”
Research Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Assistant Professor, Tarleton State University
53. Ramesh Raj Baral [Spring 2019]
Research Topic: “Context-Aware Personalized Point-of-Interest Recommendation System”
Research Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Sr. Machine Learning Engineer, TiVo
52. Qing Wang [Fall 2018]
Research Topic: “Intelligent Data Mining Techniques for Automatic Service Management”
Research Advisor: Dr. Niki Pissinou and Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Post Doctoral Researcher, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
51. Bin Shi [Fall 2018]
Research Topic: “A Mathematical Framework on Machine Learning: Theory and Application”
Research Advisor: Dr. Niki Pissinou and Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Post Doc., UC Berkeley
50. Georges Arsene K. Kamhoua [Summer 2019]
Research Topic: “Mitigating Colluding Attacks in Online Social Networks and Crowdsourcing Platforms”
Research Advisor: Dr. Niki Pissinou and Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Assistant Professor, Old Dominion University
49. Samia Tasnim [Summer 2019]
Research Topic: “Reputation-aware Trajectory-based Data Mining in the Internet of Things (IoT)”
Research Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Assistant Professor, Florida A&M University
48. Kianoosh G. Boroojeni [Summer 2017]
Research Topic: “Oblivious Network Optimization and Security Modeling in Sustainable Smart Grids and Cities”
Research Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Visiting Instructor, School of Computing and Information Sciences, Florida International University
47. A.S.M. Hasan Mahmud [Summer 2016]
Research Topic: “Sustainable Resource Management for Cloud Data Centers”
Research Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Facebook
46. Frank E. Hernandez [Fall 2013]
Research Topic: “MobiMed: Framework for Rapid Application Development of Medical Mobile Apps”
Research Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Consultant/Teacher at a local High School
45. Vasanth Iyer [Fall 2013]
Research Topic: “Ensemble Stream Model for Data-Cleaning in Sensor Networks”
Research Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Co- Major Professor: Dr. Niki Pissinou
Place of Employment: Assistant Professor, University of Central Missouri
44. Juan C. Martinez [Fall 2013]
Research Topic: “Towards the Prediction of Mutations in Genomic Sequences”
Research Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Technology, Wolfson Campus, Miami Dade College
43. Jerry Weltman [Spring 2012]
Research Topic: “Natural Language Processing”
Place of Employment: Louisiana State University
42. Jong-Hoon Kim [Fall 2011]
Research Topic: “Sensor-based Autonomous Pipeline Monitoring Robotic System”
Research Advisor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Visiting Assistant Professor of SCIS, Florida International University.
41. Srivathsan Srinivasagopalan [Spring 2011]
Research Topic: “Deterministic Algorithms for Oblivious Network Design”
Research Advisor: Dr. Konstantin Busch
Co- Major Professor: Dr. Iyengar
Place of Employment: Algorithm Developer, Stealth Startup in Austin, Texas
40. Anindya Poddar [Spring 2011]
Research Topic: “Efficient substring discovery using Suffix, LCP Array, and Algorithm-Architecture Interaction”
Research Advisor: Dr. Donald Kraft
Co-Major Professor: Dr. Iyengar
39. Dr. Hua Cao [Fall 2007]
Research Topic: “A Novel Automated Approach of Multi-Modality Retinal Image Registration and Fusion”
Place of Employment: Software Engineer, Jackson, Mississippi
38. Wei Ding [Summer 2006]
Research Topic: “Utilizing Peer-to-Peer Approaches in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”
Place of Employment: Assistant Professor of Computer Science, University of Maine
37. Madhusudhanan Balasubramanian [May 2006]
Research Topic: “A Computational Framework for the Structural Change Analysis of 3D Volume of Microscopic Specimens”
Place of Employment: University of California, San Diego
36. Mengxia Zhu [Fall 2005]
Research Topic: “Adaptive Remote Visualization System for Large-Scale Scientific Data”
Place of Employment: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
35. Patrick McDowell[Fall 2005]
Research Topic: “Biologically Inspired Learning System”
Place of Employment: Office of Naval Research, Stennis Space Center, MS
34. Sumanth Yenduri [Summer 2005]
Research Topic:”An Empirical Study of Data Imputation Techniques for Large Scale Software Datasets”
Place of Employment: University of Southern Mississippi
33. Qishi Wu [Dec 2003]
Research Topic: “Control of Transport Dynamics in Overlay Networks”.
Place of Employment: Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
32. Brian Pangburn [Dec 2002]
Research Topic: “Experience-Based Language Acquisition: A Computational Model of Human Language Acquisition”.
Place of Employment: The Pangburn Company Inc.,
31. Sumeet Dua [Dec 2001]
Research Topic: “Techniques to Explore Time-Related Correlation in Large Data Sets”.
Place of Employment: Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA,
30. John Zachary [Dec 2000]
Research Topic: “Content Based Image Retrieval System”
Place of Employment: University of South Carolina.
29. Elias Khalaf [June 2000]
Research Topic: “Congestion Control Mechanisms for Internet Multicast Transport Protocols”.
Place of Employment: Loyola College.
28. Thomas Smailus [Dec 2000]
Research Topic: Precision Mapping in a Distributed Multi-Robot Environment.
Place of Employment: LSU-RSIP.
27. Sundar Vedantham [Dec 1997]
Research Topic: “Traffic Management and Congestion Control in the ATM Network Model”.
Place of Employment: Bell Laboratories, New Jersey.
26. Raghuram Yedatore [Dec 1996]
Research Topic: “Virtual Central Control”.
Place of Employment: ORACLE, San Francisco.
25. Richards Brooks [June 1996]
Research Topic: “Reliable Sensor Fusion Algorithms: Calibration and Cost Minimization”.
Place of Employment: Penn State University, Applied Physics Laboratory.
24. Nitin Naik [June 1996]
Research Topic: “An Integrated Network Architecture for a High Speed Distributed Multimedia System”.
Place of Employment: NASA Classroom of the Future Program in Wheeling, WV.
23. Amit Nanavati [Dec 1996]
Research Topic: “Designing Diagnosable Distributed Programs”.
Co-Advisor: Dr. S. Kundu
Place of Employment: NETSCAPE.
22. Lakshman Prasad [May 1995]
Research Topic: “Multiresolution Fault Tolerant Sensor Integration and Object Recognition in Images”.
Place of Employment: Los Alamos National Lab.
21. Ramana Rao [May 1995]
Research Topic: “Multiresolution Techniques in Image Processing”.
Place of Employment: Los Alamos National Lab.
20. Daryl Thomas [Aug 1994]
Dissertation Topic: “A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of the Design Requirements of Semi-Autonomous Mobile Robotic Platforms to Assist Individuals Having Severe Motor Disabilities.”
Place of Employment: Southwestern Adventist College, Keene, Texas.
19. Sankar Krishnamurthy [May 1994]
Research Topic: “Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for a Vision System”.
Place of Employment: Silicon Graphics Corporation, Palo Alto, California.
18. Joon Shik LIM [Dec 1993]
Research Topic: “A Heuristic Approach for Shortest Path Problem with Rectilinear Obstacles”.
Place of Employment: University of Korea, Seoul.
17. Weian Deng [Dec 1993]
Research Topic: “An Efficient Class of Edge Detection Algorithm.”
Place of Employment: Consulting Company in San Francisco.
16. Don Inglehart [May 1993]
Research Topic: “Synergistic Control of N-body Computer Generated Robots”.
Place of Employment: Consultant to State Agencies.
15. Phil Graham [May 1993]
Research Topic: “New Approaches and Techniques for Drawing Lines on Raster Devices.”
Place of Employment: Scientist: Boss Film Industry, Los Angeles.
14. Gili Mendel [May 1993]
Research Topic: “Optical Character Recognition Using Morphological Attributes.”
Place of Employment: IBM, Kingston, New York. Software Development,
RTP, Raleigh, NC
(919) 543 6408
P.O. Box 12195
3039 Cornwallis Rd.,
Research Triangle Park,
NC 27709-2195
13. Vinayak Hegde [May 1993]
Research Topic: “Software Configuration Techniques for Interconnection Networks and Distributed Systems.”
Place of Employment: Software Engineer, Iowa
12. Maung Htay [Dec. 1992]
Research Topic: “Error Correcting Codes using Neural Networks.”
Place of Employment: Virginia Military Institute, Virginia
11. Subbiah Rajanarayanan [Dec. 1991]
Research Topic: “Parallel and Distributed Algorithms for a Class of Graph Related Computational Problems.”
Place of Employment: Hewlett-Packard Company, Cupertino, California.
10. KrishnaKumar Narayanan [Dec. 1991]
Research Topic: “New Techniques for Scene Understanding and Parallel Image Processing.”
Place of Employment: Digital Equipment Corporation, Palo Alto, California.
9. Sandeep Gulati [Dec. 1990]
Research Topic: “Computational Neural Learning Formalisms for Perceptual Manipulation Singularity Interaction Dynamics Model.”
Place of Employment: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.
8. Rajendra Srivastava [May 1990]
Research Topic: “Parallelization of Goal Driven Production Systems on Hypercube Machines in ‘C’ Environment.”
Place of Employment: Southern University, Baton Rouge.
7. Mohan Sharma [May 1990]
Research Topic: “Efficient Distributed Algorithms for Network Facility Problems.”
Place of Employment: IBM Research Center, Austin, Texas.
6. Sridhar Radhakrishnan [May 1990]
Research Topic: ” Parallel Algorithms for a Class of Database Related Problems.”
Place of Employment: University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.
5. Yujean Sheng [May 1990]
Research Topic: “Enforcement of Database Constraints: A Decompositional Approach.” Place of Employment: Western Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois.
4. Wu-Wang [Dec. 1989]
Research Topic: “Model-Based 3D Object Recognition and Localization using Properties of Surface Curvatures.”
Place of Employment: Metaphor Computer Systems, California.
3. Tai-Tsung Ho [Dec. 1989]
Research Topic: “A Density Based Greedy Channel Routing Algorithms for VLSI Problems.”
Place of Employment: McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA.
2. S. Bhaskar Iyengar [Aug. 1989]
Dissertation Title: A Frame-Work for Efficient Execution of Logic Programs Place of Employment: Winona State University, Minnesota. Co-Advisor: Dr. Hoppe.
1. S. V. N. Rao [Aug. 1989]
Research Topic: “An Algorithmic Framework for Robot Navigation in Unknown Terrains.”
Place of Employment: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee.