![WenqianDong Professor Wenqian Dong's Professional Photo](https://people.cis.fiu.edu/wdong/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2022/12/WenqianDong.png)
Assistant Professor
Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences
Wenqian Dong is an assistant professor of KFSCIS department of Florida International University. She studied her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Merced. Her research focuses on high performance computing system (HPC). She is particularly interested in using machine learning techniques to improve performance of scientific applications. During her Ph.D., she has published a set of papers in various top HPC conferences, including two published in the prestigious Supercomputing Conference (SC), the flagship conference in the HPC field. She also received the UCM Bobcat Fellowship in 2018 and 2020. Wenqian was a research intern in the HP labs and is a research intern in the Pacific Northwest National Lab. Her work on power grid simulation was highlighted at the DOE science news and PNNL media.
If you are interested in applying for my Ph.D. program (open for graduates/senior undergrads) or research intern position (open for undergrads), please send your CV and transcript to my email.
Her research emphasizes on High-performance computing with a focus on
- (i) Scientific machine learning: accelerating HPC applications using machine learning-based approximation,
- (ii) Automatic Machine Learning: automatically machine learning model construction for HPC domain scientists, and
- (iii) Automatic Performance Tuning: performance optimization and quality control on scientific machine learning.
Betty: Enabling Large-Scale GNN Training with Batch-Level Graph Partitioning
Our paper “Betty: Enabling Large-Scale GNN Training with Batch-Level Graph Partitioning” is accepted in ASPLOS’23.
Teach CEN 5082 in Fall
I am going to teach CEN 5082-Grid Enablement of Scientific Applications at FIU in the Fall semester.
TPC of AI4Science workshop
I am invited to be a TPC of AI4Science workshop.
Joining FIU as a tenure-track assistant professor
I will join FIU as a tenure-track assistant professor. Fell free to send me your application if you are interested in my research topics.
Program Committee of MLBench workshop
I am invited as a program committee of MLBench workshop.
PNNL Reseach Internship for Spring 2022
I am invited as a program committee of MLBench workshop.
Selected Publications
Betty: Enabling Large-Scale GNN Training with Batch-Level Graph Partitioning
[ASPLOS’23] Shuangyan Yang, Mingjia Zhang, Wenqian Dong , and Dong Li; In 28th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (acceptance rate: %)
Fauce: Fast and Accurate Deep Ensembles with Uncertainty for Cardinality Estimation
[VLDB’21] Jie Liu, Wenqian Dong , Qingqing Zhou, and Dong Li; In 47th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (acceptance rate: 24%)
MD-HM: Memoization-based Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Big Memory System
[ICS’21] Zhen Xie, Wenqian Dong, Jie Liu, Ivy Peng, Yanbao Ma and Dong Li; In 47th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (acceptance rate: 24%)
Tahoe: Tree Structure-Aware High Performance Inference Engine for Decision Tree Ensemble on GPU
[EuroSys’21] Zhen Xie, Wenqian Dong, Jiawen Liu, Hang Liu and Dong Li; ACM 16th European Conference on Computer Systems, 2021 (acceptance rate: 20.9%)
Smart-PGSim: Using Neural Network to Accelerate AC-OPF Power Grid Simulation
[SC’20] Wenqian Dong , Zhen Xie, Gokcen Kestor and Dong Li In 32th ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing (acceptance rate: 22.3%) [Highlighted in Newswise as a DOE science innovation]
Adaptive Neural Network-Based Approximation to Accelerate Eulerian Fluid Simulation
[SC’19] Wenqian Dong, Jie Liu, Zhen Xie and Dong Li; In 31th ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing (acceptancerate: 22.6%)
Modeling Application Resilience in Large Scale Parallel Execution
[ICPP’18] Kai Wu, Wenqian Dong, Qiang Guan, Nathan Debardeleben and Dong Li; In the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (acceptance rate: 24%)
Implementing molecular dynamics simulation on the Sunway TaihuLight system with heterogeneous many-core processors
[Journal of CCPE] Wenqian Dong, Kenli Li, Letian Kang, Zhe Quan, Keqin Li; Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 30(16)(2018)
Implementing Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Sunway TaihuLight System
[HPCC'18] Wenqian Dong, Letian Kang, Zhe Quan, Kenli Li, Keqin Li, Ziyu Hao, Xiang-Hui Xie; In 19th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (acceptance rate: 30%)
Awards & Honors
Bobcat Fellowship at UC Merced
China National Scholarship for Graduate Students (Master student)
The First Class Academic Scholarship of Hunan University
Second prize, “The Mathematical Modeling Competition of Hunan province”
The Excellent Graduation Thesis (Undergraduate student)
The Outstanding Graduates of Hunan Agricultural University
Recommended as an excellent fresh graduate to study for master degree with exam waived
China National Scholarship for Undergraduate Student
Third prize, “The LanQiao Cup National Software and Information Technology Professional Talents Competition”
Third prize, “The Qiuzhen Cup Undergraduate Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition”
Teaching Experience
CEN 5082: Grid Enablement of Scientific Applications
Fall 2022 - Current
CSE-020: Introduction to Computing
Spring 2021
CSE-022: Introduction To Programming
Fall 2020 - Fall 2021
CSE-179: Parallel Computing
Fall 2019 - Spring 2021
Computer System and Structure
Spring 2016
Compilation Principle
Fall 2015 - Fall 2016